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I'm Dan Asaw, A self taught Coleopterist who resides in Broadstairs, Kent. This site is for resources, ramblings and anything else related to my passion - beetles!


Currently, I'm updating my guide to beetles in moth traps, which hopes to streamline the process of beetle identification to moth trappers, it's by no means a finished article, but feel free to let me know what you think once its up and running!


Like all entomologists I love a new trapping method, I've had some really good success with vane traps, and have written up a 'how to' guide with some of my findings. 

Let me know if you have any rad ideas.

Getting Involved

The one thing I love more than beetles is talking about them! 

I have plenty of experience working with key stages 1 & 2
(I used to be a teaching assistant). I've done public talks and I've even taught identification courses for the Field Studies Council. 


31 Aug 2022. Having a bit of an overhaul. The Moth trap beetles list has been updated, as have many other design elements. New pages were added on beetles including resources and recording schemes.  

Record a Moth trap intruder

            Sherrardspark Wood

Moth Trap Intruders.jpg
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© 2023 Dan Asaw

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