Section O
This is for all the beetles that don't want to be pigeon holed, they are all fairly distinctive so hopefully should be easy to identify from pictures alone.
Been looking for them in another section? LET ME KNOW and I can add them there as well if need be!
Helophorus sp. 20 species
Family Helophoridae- grooved water scavenger beetles
ID Features
clubbed antennae
Palps longer than antenna
Pronotum wder than long (transverse)
Pronotum with strong vertical grooves
Heavily punctured elytra
Y shape grove on head (Frons)
1.7-7.0 mm
ID to species
ID to species is an art and requires all manner of microscopic examination of both dorsal and underside characteristics, accurate sizing and shape of palps, in addition to the standard genitalia inspection.
For Keying I would recommend Duff Vol 1. but there's also a Mikes's insect key as well, but for accurate identification, a reference collection would go a long way!
Cicones undatus
Family: Coldiidae
Associated with fungus infected wood
ID Features
2.3-3.5 mm
Dark to reddish brown body, head, pronotum and head
Elytra patterned with thick pale scales, often forming a zigzag pattern
almost circular club
Elytra NOT ribbed
Pronotum les transverse (wider than long when compared to Cicones varigatus and overall slighter in appearance
Fancy a key for comparison?
Mike's insect keys has got you covered (You'll want Page 11, couplet 10)
Megatoma undulata
Family: Dermestidae
ID Features
Black with white chevron scale markings (may be worn)
pronotum semicircular, almost triangular when viewed from above
3 segmented club
often paler tarsal segments
Lots of good info, and more pictures at UKBeetles
Ptinus sexpunctatus
Family: Ptinidae
ID Features
2.0-4.5 mm
Light to dark brown in colour
Head usually hidden when viewed from above
Distinctive white markings made of pale scales
Pale scutellum
Long filliform (threadlike) antennae
Underside covered with fine pale pubescence
Want some more info? UKBeetles has got you covered!
Female P.Fur showing pale markings and rounded body shape
Ptinus fur
Family: Ptinidae
A sexually dimorphic species where the females are on average smaller, have thinner slender legs, and have a less rounded, more elongate appearance. This species may have white bands on the elytra (pictured left)
If there is any doubt key it out with Mikes's insect keys or use the excellent comparative images and info at UKBeetles.
The males in particular look very similar to quite a few species
ID Features
2.0 - 4.5 mm
May have patches of pale scales (pictured) but may be plain brown
antennae filiform (threadlike)
Antennae 3 quarters of body length in females, longer than the body in males
Aulonium trisulcus
Family: Colydiidae
ID Features
elongate and parallel-sided
dull brown with a slightly darker head
2 vertical (longitudinal) furrows on elytra
Scutellum wider than long (transverse)
Believed to be associated with elm.
Sphindus dubius
Family: Sphindidae
ID Features
1.8-2.0 mm
shiny, dark brown
Pronotum strongly punctured, broadest just before elytra
Pronotal edges, narrow, pale, and finely scalloped (crenulate)
Head wider than long (transverse)
Lighter shoulders to elytra
All tarsal segments narrow, lacking lobes, last (terminal) segment as long as all others combined
Pronotum and elytra with fine pale hairs (pubescence)
July - Sept
Atomaria linearis
Family: Cryptophagidae
There are lots of similiar species in the UK and personally I would recommend keying them out for an accurate identification.
Mike has keys for them and other related groups available HERE
ID Features
1.2 -1.5mmbrown, covered in fine pale hairs that lie plat (recumbant pubescence)
narrow and parallel sided
eyes touch the front margins of pronotum
Head wider than long (transverse)
Centre of pronotum (Disc) closely punctured
Scutellum much wider than ling (transverse)
Complete lack of strae on elytra
Antenna and legs paler than the body
March- October
Opilo mollis
Family: Cleridae
A predator of small wood boring beetles, typically associated with decaying wood and bracket fungi in ancient woodlands, pasture woodland and fens (Duff, 2020)
ID Features
Uniformly thick threadlike antennae
Elytra dark brwn with pale yellow patches
Elytral puncture rows fading towards the end of elytra
Upperside covered in long pale hairs
Red legs and antenna
8-13 mm
Jan-February, April - November
Xyleborus monographus
Family: Curculionidae, Scolytinae
There are lots of similiar species in the UK and personally I would recommend keying them out for an accurate identification.
Scoltidines are typically small with paddle or tear drop shapped antennal clubs and many display a 'hooded appearence', covering the head completely from above. Often they are very hairy and display 'flared looking legs. Associated with timber and include many economically destructive species
Euglenes oculatus
Family: Aderidae
Associated with old and rotten Oak wood
ID Features
Non clubbed, but thick, slightly saw edge looking antennae
Third antennal segment longer than the second
Elytra widest behind its middle
Brown to light brown with slightly lighter appendages (femora darker)
March to October, December
Dyschirius sp.
Family: Carabidae
11 British species, with only 7 found in Ireland (Luff 2007). Small beetles with an obvious pinched in the waist that looks superficially like Clivina spp.(which can be separated by continuous obvious punctures around the edge of the elytra and a complete border on the edge of the pronotum).
These are associated with burrows of other species and are actually fossorial in nature, so will likely be a fairly uncommon visitor to moth traps.
ID Features
Dark brown to brassy black
Pronged front tibiae
Obvious thin waist
Almost spherical pronotum
3.1-4.9 mm
May - July
Elmis aenea
Family: Elmidae
Riffle beetles
These small, long-legged, often metallic beetles are often found on moist rocks and moss-submerged wood and decaying vegetation in good-quality steams rivers and lakes. despite their aquatic lifestyles, these beetles cannot swim but instead crawl along submerged feeding on aquatic vegetation. Although some forms may lack fully formed wings, fully winged individuals may take part in dispersal flights and be attracted to light mistaken for the reflection of water bodies.
The Genus Elmis (which only consists of one Species in the UK) is separated from others in this family by the Characteristic 'U'; shape on the pronotum formed by the two parallel grooves of the pronotum joined by a third horizontal groove (seen clearly in the first image)
Elmis aenea
ID Features
Clear 'U' shape on the pronotum
Body black with a metallic bronze elytra
Dark appendages
Antennal bases and tarsi reddish in colour
Pinched appearance to the end of elytra
1.9-2.2 mm
All year round
Not quite right?
Try Mikes Key to the British Elmidae