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A Guide to beetles attracted to light

An interesting array of beetle fauna can be found using light trapping methods, with some species only being recorded this way.  This guide hopes to point people new to beetles in the correct direction for identification purposes and if required, list the relevant ID features required in a photo for a definitive determination. Some species will still require microscopic examination for species-level identification, but this guide hopes to, at the very least streamline that process.


This guide builds on the moth trap intruders information produced by Martin Harvey, whom I would like to thank for his support and the extensive use of his guides which have helped me generate

This list of species documented in moth traps. 

This is by no means complete and will be added to on the provision of relevant literature




I'd also like to thank everyone from the Moth Trap Intruders Uk Facebook page, who have allowed me to use their images.

Taking Photos

As a general rule, for beetles an ideal image will include:


  • Dorsal shot on flat surface

  • Antennae and legs

  • Reference of size or an accurate measurement

  • Underside shot (especially in water beetles)


Beetles, like moths, can be chilled for short periods to slow them down to take a photo with no ill effects.

Beetle overview by shape 

With over 4000 species of beetle in over 100 different families learning beetle taxonomy is not a ‘quick’ exercise.


To remedy this, this guide has been arranged in sections of the overall shape of the beetles themselves.


This is still a work in process, and I am planning to continue updating this guide however most of the common suspects have been covered. 

Missing something? Let me know


Click on the icon that matches your beetle shape best to go to the correct section.

Disclaimer: This will group unrelated species together in an attempt to save time.


Thread like antennae


General rounded beetle shape


Wing cases covering all of abdomen


Pronotum as (or nearly as) wide as wingcases


Thread like antennae


pronotum thinner than wingcases


Wing cases not covering all of abdomen


Squared off wingcases


Variety of antenna shapes 


Long pointed oval shape


Continuous edge from head to end of wingcases

Group C


Thread like antennae


Long thin body shape


Short wingcases exposing most of the abdomen




Thread like antennae


General oval shape


Strongly tapered hind legs




Thread like antennae

head base looking 'cut off'​


Long thin Oval shape


Long legs 


Spike at rear 


wedge shaped in cross view


clubbed antennae formed of flat plates


Dumpy shape


jagged irregular shape to tibiae edges




Thread like or serrate antennae


long, almost rectanguar appearance


thin leathery wing cases


often brightly coloured


Thick, widened at end medium length antennae


long oval shaped 


Wing cases covering all of abdomen


no spike at rear


Long thread like antennae


rectangular shaped head with bulging eyes


Wing cases covering all of abdomen, but may have a split at ends



Group K


Medium length clubbed or threadlike antennae


Very rounded oval or circular shape


Patterned wingcases covering all of abdomen

may have heart shaped tarsal segments


Elbowed antennae with club


Long rostrum protruding from between the eyes 


may have heart shaped leg segments


Typically oval shaped body

Group L


Clubbed or bead like antennae 


Black and/or orange in colour


medium to large beetles


rounded pronotum


some abdominal segments protruding from wing cases


Long antennae with a smaller second antennal segment


Generapointed shape to wing cases


Wing cases covering abdomen




5-7  threadlike antennae with stretched segmented like antennae


Pointed face


Wing cases meeting in an 'X' shape


Often a large triangle at top of wingcases (Scutellum)


Pronotum rounded and clearly thinner than wing cases


Long threadlike antennae 


May be strongly marked 

Group N




Large black rounded beetles 

May heave a blue/ violet sheen

Strong digging legs 

Rounded shape 


Group I


Medium sized


shovel shaped head


Parallel sides


Strong digging legs


brown black or red


Clubbed Antennae


Group I


Round clubbed antennae


Clearly marked orange and brown elytra


Small size 

Medium to Large sized


Light brown to orange elytra  


Antennae consisting of a series of plates 


Clearly ridged

Wing cases


Group I


Thin waist 


Ridged wingcases


Shiny and black


Small sized


Oak leaf shaped front legs 


Thread like antennae


lesser stag beetle

Large beetles


Obvious mandibles (may be very large in males)  


Dull black to mahogany coloured wing cases


rectangular shaped head


Group I


Small sized


Cylindrical shaped


hooded in appearance 


clubbed antennae


Head tucked under



Fits nothing else? 


Try here for a 

Wild Card 

© 2023 Dan Asaw

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